Sunday, September 22, 2013

Chio reads

Chio's new boots

Chio at 7 months

We are having so much fun with our Chunky girl these days.  She is sitting up a lot, can roll across the room if she wants something, and she loves to babble.  She is still chewing on everything, but we have yet to see the teeth.  She is 26 inches long and about 19 lbs.  She wears clothing that is size 9-12 months (!).  She still loves her caterpiller, but loves books the most.  We read to her all the time and she even likes to take a turn reading herself!  She's a little more difficult to get down to sleep because she has a whole slew of things she can do to keep herself awake.  Mostly pulling on her ear, rolling over or scratching the bed rail.  She waves her arms in the air when she is excited and it's probably the most adorable thing I've ever seen.  I still mostly wear her in the ring sling and we both love the extra snuggle time.  Daddy prefers the stroller.  She does well in that too.  She loves to grab anything we have in our hands so eating is getting tougher.  Speaking of eating, though she shows a lot of interest in our eating, she's not yet a fan of solid foods.  She makes the greatest faces when she tastes something and then gags and moves on to the next activity.  We're not pushing it.  Her laugh is getting more robust and it is my favorite sound.  She is still a huge fan of Peek-a-boo which we could spend hours playing, but tickling gets a good amount of laughs too.  She pulls off her hats, gives sloppy kisses, and loves grabbing her feet.  She is, without a doubt, the most amazing baby that I've every met:) 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Chio Babbles

Sunday, September 1, 2013