Saturday, August 25, 2012

Yay Second Trimester!

We are happy to report a very noticeable change in energy this week!  WOOHOO!  We are just days away from the 14 week mark and all those things we've been reading about have actually been taking place.  Here's a rundown:
1) Our screening tests for birth defects have all been normal.  We have very small chance of having a baby with a trisomy.  I also tested negative for fragile-X and cystic fibrosis.
2) Jenn is sleeping an average of 8 hours a night give or take 1 hr for pee breaks and random waking up to play Words With Friends.
3) Crazy, vivid dreams.  Many include delivering own baby (always a boy), or losing a baby on accident (scary!).
4) Cravings have changed from tomato sauce to anything citrus or apple-related.  Also tolerating more meat, but still not too interested in chicken.
5) Wearing Maternity pants=super comfy.  THANKS LINDA!!!
6) We went for a walk in Fort Tryon Park today.  Christian took the opportunity to document the growing bump.  We can't believe it's already showing this much!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

12 weeks!

Upon our return from our Family Reunion we were quickly wrapped up again in City Life. Christian had to return to work on Weds morning, while I was scheduled for a night shift.  Before work, however, I was to have an ultrasound for Nuchal Translucency (NT) and a blood test as part of the Sequential Screen test for birth defects.  I was completely shocked to see how much chicharito had grown since our first ultrasound.  I saw much movement and baby even seemed to be waving at one point.  I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day.  While the NT looked normal, we find out the full results at our next appointment with our midwife. 
First sono at 9 weeks (ignore the wrong GA) 

Second sono at 12 weeks (it looks like a real baby!)

Happy Mama on night shift:)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to our Baby Blog!  We are anxiously awaiting our first baby in March, 2013.  So far we have been in a whirlwind of nausea, food aversions, fatigue, midwifery appointments and family.  We are loving it all!  Thanks for all your support.  Stay tuned for documentation of growing belly and baby.

Much love,
Jenn and Chris