Saturday, April 13, 2013


We've seen incredible development in Chio's motor skills this past week.  I attribute it to all the attention from loved ones!  We have taken a movement development class twice.  It is mostly for my learning and so that I can support her development, not an instructional class.  It is very interesting, especially studying babies of all ages.  We have a lot of fun in our future!  At seven weeks old (!!!) these things are standing out.

-Smiles at people.  So cute!
-Giggles.  Mostly in her sleep, occasionally on accident while awake.  Yesterday she burped and the whole room laughed.  She giggled right afterwards!  I'm sure it was on accident, but it was sure adorable.
-Brings fists to mouth.  Again, usually by accident, but once it's there she goes to town sucking on it!  It is becoming more common and deliberate.
-Lifts head when on someone's chest or when on her belly.
-Turns head toward voice, lights, music...
-Kicks, a LOT!  Well, she's always done that, but it seems more on purpose now.  Especially when she's excited, not just when she has gas!

She looks like she's on the move here, but she really just using her arms to lift her head.  Pretty advanced!  The most impressive part is that she already knows she needs to get her hands in front and under her to lift up!  She does it out of frustrations.  She is one determined little girl. 

Look at those legs fly!

Tummy time

Oh Hi!  I'm just an adorable little baby holding up my own head:)

Smiling on purpose!

 Laughing in her sleep 

Following moving mobile with her eyes

Fist, lights, music!

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